Monday, November 1, 2010


Nah. Spoiled rotten is more like it. I guess thats what i get for having a husband who makes all my stinkin dreams come true. Yes, my travel trailer dream. it came true. last week. Well right now, its looks more like a nightmare than a dream come true. But with a little gurr family TLC I think one day. one day. it might look something like a dream.

Here she is. Our 1962 Shasta Travel Trailer. We went with a Shasta because its the next most popular classic travel trailer, next to airstream of course.

The outside is in pretty good shape which is the reason we purchased this one. Its gonna need some sanding and sweet new paint job. We are staying with the original z stripe which Shasta is known for. But the bottom color will be some kind of teal and the top a vintage white. I think my favorite part of this trailer is the wrap around windows on the front. classic.

Ok. now for the inside. to put it in terms you can understand. its a piece of junk. but what can you expect from a 48 year old trailer. there's rotten wood, there's graffiti, there's old cushions, there's fabric on those old cushions. itching. i'm literally itching thinking about it. kind of like when you go to the thrift store and you somehow walk out itching and sneezing, yes like that. but a little worse.

The inside is going to be completely redone. Everything is coming out. If we can, we will reuse the cabinets and wood that are in good shape.

Yes. Its gonna be alot of work. not sure what we got ourselves into. But...its going to be fun. Its going to be a fun little family project the next many months. and its going to be fun when we take Shasta on her very first campout to the beach. So stick around. and join us as we turn this ugly beast into a beauty.


  1. awe.some.

    that shiz is AWESOME!!!!

    you guys are the coolest people ever.

  2. Wow. It's like you post your dreams in your blog and your dreams come true. Is this a magic blog?

    Nice pics 'n post. This looks like a fun family project during the cooler months...

    That Shasta was a sweet pick!
