Thursday, October 21, 2010

airplanes in the afternoon.

I think its so funny when you have a child and they somehow open your eyes to things you never used to notice. like airplanes. benson is obsessed. the weather has been so nice lately so we have been hanging out out front every afternoon. Benson will be playing with the rocks, i will be reading. Then all the sudden Benson will point up to the sky and say something like ooo ooo. I didnt even notice the small airplane or hear it as it passed though the sky. But benson did. and he made sure i looked at each and every one as it sailed through the sky that evening. There happened to be alot that night.

But I loved it. i forgot how cool airplanes are.

I think its cool that we can hear them fly when they are so far away.

Its cool when they leave lines of clouds that intersect each other through the sky.

Its cool to think that when you wave at an airplane, somehow the people on board can see you.

Its cool to notice airplanes again.
thanks bens.


  1. this is awesome.

    i love you blogging.

    i love the insight into your thoughts.

    i love the way you think and write.

    i love getting to be your friend.

    you are an incredible person britt. i love you!

  2. Awesome post Britt!

    I was lucky enough to spend some time with Benson out in our back yard this week as well. And since we live fairly close to Falcon Field, Benson was quite actively pointing to the sky and making those monkey sounds. Grandpa had to acknowledge each and every airplane too. It reminded me of simpler days, when I had my own little pony-tailed daughter. She would point and get all excited about each and every Burger King we passed…

    Keep posting these. They are awesome!

  3. You are so good at posting, I love this one. Derek and I just watched the halloween vimeo and we were laughing so hard. You guys are hilarious!
