Saturday, January 7, 2012


It was a great year. it really was. Probably the best year so far of my life. I have had many opportunities over Christmas and the New Year to think about the things I am grateful for. And these two boys are always at the top of my list. Its ridiculous how much i love them. I love being married to my best friend and I love this adorable little boy that we have. I love LOVE being a mom. More than anything on this earth..i love being a mom. I love wiping away tears and kissing booboo's. i love reading stories and going to the park. i love tickle fights and dancing goofy. I love giving hugs and rubbing noses. And I love saying "I love you" and hearing in return "luv you too momma." Its the greatest gift in the world and i feel blessed to be able to be a mother.

A few pictures of us and a whole lot of Benson.


  1. Those pictures were AWESOME! That picture #4 was a favorite...last two shots of that tri-fold look shockingly similar to some of his mother's old signature moves...

    Loved 'em. Loved 'em all.


  2. Brittney these are the two luckiest boys ever to have you!!! This little cutie needs to model! .Bryce, tell me the last picture was photo shopped !!!! You are a Darling, Darling family! Love you, Mom
