Saturday, August 13, 2011


Did you know, that you are 2 YEARS OLD today!

Yea, I'm not too happy about it either.

I hate seeing you grow up but i have loved the past two years together.

Remember last night? It was your last night of being 1 year old.

And for some reason we partied. Just me you and dad. And we let you stay up way too late.

It was around 9pm when things got fun. You got a little goofy. It started with the tickle fight. You laughed so hard and long I thought you would pass out.

Then there was wrestling with dad. You were screaming and had this look in your eyes of pure happiness.

Do you remember?

We yelled at you "YOU'RE CRAZY BENSON"

And you screamed back at us "I'M CRAZY!!"

And then came the dancing. I sang "hot dog hot dog, hot diggity dog" and you danced and twirled like the little goofball you are.

Do you remember?

I'm pretty sure it was the funnest night of your life so far.

And then, finally, it was time for bed.

I read you some stories, we said our prayers with dad, and then I sang you some songs while you laid on my shoulder.

I soaked up this moment. This last moment of your 1 year old life.

I whispered "I love you"

You whispered back "luv do"

Then, rather cheesily, I asked "will you love your momma forever"

And you said "yes"

Do you remember?

If you don't, that's okay.

Because I will never, ever let you forget it.

Happy Birthday my little 2 year old.

This is the expression I get for sticking him in an open field.


  1. Wow, I cannot believe he is 2! Happy Birthday Benson!! What a cutie. You guys make good-looking kids ;-) Can't wait to see you in a few months.

  2. Happy Birthday Benson. Remember when the weeds were that high in your back yard? Yeah, I thought so...
