Friday, August 26, 2011

pea party.

For most it's pronounced tea party. Benson says tea just fine, but as soon as he combines it with party it come out as pea party.

For some odd reason, this kid has always been in love with tea party's. Something about those little cups, those little plates, and that little tea pot. We never had a set here at home, he always played tea party at Grandmas. I was not about to be a mother who bought her son a princess tea set for home. No thank you.

For his birthday, Grandma found him a boy tea set. A curious george tea set. And he's in love with it. We have pea parties atleast once a day. sometimes its pretend. sometimes it's for real with real water and real sandwiches. The real tea parties seem to be Benson's favorites.

Sandwiches are a must. Some days its ham & cheese. some days its pb&j. and somedays its a fluffernutter (peanut butter, nutella, and marshmallow fluff). With the crusts cut off. Because crusts are never allowed at a tea party.

Sometimes he drinks the tea slow and dainty. Savoring every last drop.

And sometimes its like a shot and messy with no concern of holding the tea cup by its handle.

but always..always

there is a "aaaahhhhh" at the end.

like its the best cup of pea he's ever drunk.


  1. that is the cutest tea set! he is such a doll.

  2. So glad you went with the "pea" spelling.

    Love that Bens has a sensitive side. He will be a very creative young man.

    Glad Benson likes the Tea Party set. It was either that, or the Curious George Cigar Factory.

