Saturday, March 31, 2012

its a boy.

its a boy.

its a boy.

I have to keep repeating it to myself. Or else I dont believe it.

I was 90% sure we were having a girl. When the ultrasound tech finally announced that it was a boy, i was in complete shock. I think my first words were "no way." followed by tears. Not tears of disappointment or sadness. But tears of happiness. I could so perfectly imagine my two boys together. I could see them there, right in front of me. Brothers. My feelings and emotions were beyond happiness.

Benson on the other hand.

His first words, when the tech announced it was a boy, were "no, its a baby sister."

It broke my heart. This little kid was so sure he was getting a baby sister. And it was all of this "baby sister" talk that made me and the majority of our family believe that it was a girl. He talked about her everyday like she was already with us. And before bedtime, I would get a big hug around the neck and an "i love you" followed by a hug around my stomach with a "love you too baby sister."

It took him a few days to wrap this big change around his finger. The first few days after finding out, we would catch him saying "love you too baby sister...(short thinking pause)... baby brother."

I can only imagine Bensons little brother, up in heaven, getting a good laugh at all of us.

But Benson is getting more and more excited each day as we talk about all of the things that we can do with a little brother. Things like, going for walks, and playing with cars, and riding our bikes, and playing at the park, and going to the beach, and eating cookies.

As for me, I am so thrilled to be getting another


of these.

and that makes me one happy mom.

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